A Storm Of Light and MONO Bring a Dream Odyssey to Left Bank

Of all of the venues that Leeds has to offer, Left Bank is perhaps the most apt for tonight’s selection of music. Once a church, the building has become an arts space utilised for concerts, clothing sales and other events. The space feels particularly well suited for the night’s opening act, cellist Jo Quail. This is, in fact, the third time that I’ve seen her this year, and each time I see her I am amazed by the depth and texture that she is able to conjure with just her cello. Using loops, she builds layer upon layer, giving her music an ominous feel to it, much like a storm rolling towards you. This darkness and intensity is counterbalanced by her endearing nature, which shines between songs as she explains each of her compositions, making her a joy to see in a live setting.

A Storm of Light bring an equally dark and foreboding feel to the church, projecting images and clips on the back wall of the venue. Much of the material for the night is drawn from their recently released album, Anthroscene, which adds an industrial tinge to their metal. Whilst the music is at times crushingly heavy, the projections add an even more unsettling dimension to the performance with some clips portraying violent scenes from riots and even a person being kicked down an escalator.

MONO’s performance, in contrast, is a thing of delicate beauty; this beauty seems to spring from the way in which they take seemingly simple themes and develop them to their fullest potential. Each song has the feeling of an aural landscape being developed around you, each time coming to a glorious and uplifting climax. Their set is closed with the cacophony of ‘Ashes in The Snow’, leaving fans with eyes wide and ears ringing, returning to the real world’s cold autumn night.

Keiran Suchak

Header Image via MONO (Japan), Facebook