LUU Entrepreneurs: Social Saturday

From facilitating business launches to providing discounted printing for its members, LUU Entrepreneurs Society are illustrating how best to utilise the vast array of resources available to students at Leeds. It’s upcoming project, Social Saturday, promises to be an eye opening journey into the world of social enterprises and demonstrating how businesses are changing the world.


The society acts as a nerve centre for Leeds students hoping to make their way into the world of business. Whether you’re developing an app, overseeing a network of students painting houses to earn some extra money over summer or you want to take over Canal Mills to show off your mate’s DJ set, the Entrepreneurs Society will help you every step of the way. Their regular socials bring together the business leaders of the future to create unrivalled opportunities for networking. What could be better than meeting your future business partner over a pint?


One modern and successful business that the society has links with is OKTACO. This is an advertising and marketing business with an explicitly social focus; they help existing companies to convey their ideas and more effectively reach their customers whilst having a positive effect on the community around them. OKTACO is a perfect example of the values and ideas espoused by the society and have thus been heavily involved with saturday’s event.


This upcoming takeover of the Leeds University Union promises to inform Leeds students and serve as an effective careers fair by creating bridges between students and business leaders, allowing them to get to know one another and spark their inspiration. The driving motivation behind the events is to educate students on the wide range of social enterprises in Britain, both locally and nationally. Social Enterprises are a rapidly growing sector, employing almost 1.5 million people in Britain in 2017 alone.


Students will get an opportunity to learn more about the work of social enterprises like Keep Real, an organisation on a ‘mission to support better mental health in the community of young people across Yorkshire’. Alternatively, Sheffield based group Pinkconnex C.I.C seek to empower LGBT communities into the future through the provision of training and employment organisations, in order to create real and lasting progress in the workplace. On Saturday the 13th of October you could meet these groups and more, all alongside local MP Alex Sobel. How can you afford to miss it?


Social Saturday will be held from 14:00 to 17:00 in the LUU Common Space, where you can also find out more about the LUU Entrepreneurs Society.

Charley Weldrick