Dos & Dont’s

The Dos and Don’ts of Freshers Style



Feel free to experiment. Starting life in a new place can be daunting, and when it comes to making first impressions on your fellow students, it’s tempting to play it safe. But the great thing about Leeds fashion is that almost anything goes. People turn up to lectures in everything, from bright red berets to knitted rainbow ponchos. As far as nights out go, the funkier the outfit the better.

Remember comfort is key. On a Leeds night out, your shoe choice can make or break you. Although a bodycon dress and six-inch heels were the norm back at home, at university casual outfits and comfy trainers will be your best friends. You want to be the one still on the dancefloor at Beaver Works at 4am, not the one barely making it out of pre-drinks because your feet hurt too much to walk to the taxi.

Shop around for unique items. Although Trinity Shopping Centre boasts an impressive amount of high street shops, Leeds has a wealth of independent vintage and charity shops where you can find great one-off pieces, meaning you can create your own individual style at half the price. Keep an eye out for the vintage shopping sales in the Union during Freshers’ Week, as well as vintage kilo sales that pop up throughout the year.


Wear your brand new white trainers to Fruity. Or any other night out. One of the most heartbreaking moments of my Freshers Week was ruining my brand new Puma suedes after a night out at HiFi. Drunk students, a packed dance floor and overflowing drinks can be fatal, so make sure you have a designated pair of ‘night out shoes’ that you don’t mind getting covered in those indeterminable sticky substances.

Forget your student discount. Let’s be honest, it is one of the most worthwhile parts of going to university. 10% might not seem that much, but when you’re choosing between a new Topshop jumper and eating a meal that consists of more than just baked beans, it makes all the difference.

Izzie Ghaffari-Parker
