Campus Watch

Cambridge: Stormzy Launches a New Scholarship for Black Students

On A-Level results day the rapper announced that he will pay the tuition fees for two black students to complete undergraduate degrees at the University of Cambridge.

The scholarship is in response to Cambridge failing to admit any black pupils from 2012 to 2016. Successful applicants have to apply to UCAS by the Oxbridge deadline and will be carefully selected by the university.

Émile Cohl Art School Lyon: Students Made to Look Black on Promotional Images

A promotional photo for a Lyon art school has been digitally altered to make some of its students look black, to widen the school’s appeal to the US.

The original photo pictures a group of white students visiting a gallery and the altered version shows three students’ faces have been darkened and two people of colour had been added.

The director Antoine Rivière claimed he was only made aware of the alteration when contacted by students in the original photo. Lyon art school said they were unaware of the altered photo and have since apologised to students and parents.

Edinburgh: University Introducing Pronoun Badges for Freshers

Freshers at the University of Edinburgh will now be able to wear badges showing their preferred pronouns.

The badges will be handed out by the Edinburgh University Students’ Association (EUSA) as they believe there is a risk of ‘misgendering people’.

The new scheme aims to show how the EUSA is ‘trans-inclusive’ and more welcoming to the LGBT community.

Zahra Iqbal


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