LUU ‘Cause a Stir’ with Ticket Release

Those seeking Leeds Ball tickets were left largely disappointed this morning, with many complaining of numerous errors when looking to purchase tickets online.

Priority tickets were set to be launched at 10am, with tickets costing £29. To access these tickets, individuals had to sign up to receive a link via email. Many of those who signed up have complained that they received no email, whilst others have claimed that the email was sent to them as early at 9:39am.

Those who could access tickets complained that they were met with ‘502 Bad Gateway’ messages whilst trying to purchase, with their payments failing to process. Elsewhere, those who thought their payment may have been processed, have complained of not receiving confirmation emails.

Tickets have since been taken off sale, but LUU are going to send a new ticket link to those on the mailing list from 3pm today. These emails will be sent in batches in the order in which people signed up to the priority list.

A statement on the LUU website reads:

“We are aware that there have been issues with purchasing tickets today and we can only apologise for the difficulties this has caused. We have made the decision to pause ticket sales for the moment to enable us to look into the technical issues and make purchasing a smoother experience.

We understand this is a frustrating time for our members who are keen to celebrate the end of their exams. We’re doing everything we can to resolve the situation and will update as soon as we can.”

Here’s a selection of the reactions on Facebook:


Reece Parker