Question Time Looking For Under 30s In Leeds

The popular BBC debate show, Question Time, is returning to Leeds for the first time since 2015.

Due to be filmed on Thursday, March 22, at the Headingley Campus of Leeds Beckett University, the episode will be the first since a General Election special featuring David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg.

This time round, however, the 100-strong audience will be made up solely of those aged between 16 and 30.

The decision to bar those over 30 has garnered a mixed reaction on social media, with some brandishing it “ageism”.

Others have even gone as far as calling for over 30s to refuse to pay their TV license fee in protest.

On the other hand, many believe that it will be a good opportunity for young people in the area.

Host David Dimbleby yesterday explained the BBC’s decision, and stated that he was looking forward to bringing Question Time to Leeds once again.

“What really matters it that we have a lively audience who want to speak their mind. It’s a chance for young people in Leeds to get their voice heard not just by politicians, but right across the UK,” he stated.

The show, which has been running since 1979, always has a representation from the Government, the official opposition party, and representatives from other political parties.

It also often features political commentators and well-known public figures.

To apply to take part, visit Question Time Application or phone 0330 123 9988.

Jonny Chard

(Image: The Telegraph)