Teach Me How to Hobby: How to Pick up a New Hobby and Stick to It

Hobbies help me relax, unwind and re-focus on the important things in my life. They encourage me to see things more clearly and to engage with my inner self. Most importantly, hobbies help me get out of the monotony of my routine and step aside from all my responsibilities, university work, and personal problems. They give a well needed and refreshing balance to my life.

State of Mind

A hobby is more than an activity to fill your free time.  It can be a stress-reliever during tense times or a ‘medicine’ after a long day of work. It can boost your creativity, push your limits and even sharpen your mind. 

How to Pick up a Hobby

University the best place to try new activities. There are so many societies and opportunities going on around you, from Give It a Go-s to volunteering fairs, that it is impossible not to find that suits you.

But don’t feel pressure to stick to the societies. You can do whatever you want if it makes you feel better and more relaxed. After all, hobbies can be as little as reading a book, writing a story or taking photos in the park.

A good approach is to always try new things. You should not feel limited by what you know or can do.

However, it is always important to find good reasons for trying something. It could be because you want to gain a new skill, you’re trying to stay fit or you just want to meet new people. Everything depends on you and your interests.

How to Stick to It

Once you know what you want to do, allow yourself time to discover. Good time management is the key to success, as hobbies will take time and effort. However, understandably, this is easier said than done, but, in the end, it will feel natural to include them in your everyday life.

My best advice is to go for it, don’t give up and the rewards will come.


Ecaterina Pavel

Image: Videezy