Leeds University Union Women’s Hockey Club Punished For ‘Chav Party’

Leeds University Union Women’s Hockey Club (LUUWHC) has been banned from taking part in certain competitions following an “ill-judged” chav-themed night in January.

LUUWHC faced national criticism following the social, where members were invited to dress “lower class” and set aside their “champagne flutes” for “cans of K cider”.

Pictures were posted on social media of members posing in tracksuits, carrying toy babies and covering themselves in tattoos.


The description of the event, taken from the LUU Women’s Hockey Club Facebook group.


The club have been banned from competing in the Christie Cup – a prestigious contest between Leeds, Liverpool and Manchester universities.

Leeds University Union bosses have also stripped the captain of her role.

At a disciplinary hearing, the union’s activities committee imposed the following sanctions on the club:

  • A ban from alumni sports day
  • A ban from taking part in the Christie Cup
  • Members are banned from travelling to the Christie Cup as supporters
  • All of the club’s social media activity will be stopped, and the union’s sports rep will oversee all closed social media groups for the rest of the academic year
  • Social secretaries will be removed from their positions
  • A new captain will be re-elected at an Extraordinary General Meeting as soon as possible
  • The club has the right to appeal the union’s decision


The club, who have since apologised, have asked for discrimination training and extra training for social secretaries.

LUUWHC have been contacted for comment.

A University Union Spokesperson said:

“LUU expects all of its clubs and societies to run inclusive and accessible activities, including socials. All clubs and societies commit to uphold the LUU Social Guidelines, and where we become aware that this is not the case, as in this instance, we investigate this with the organisers and take disciplinary action against individuals or clubs as appropriate.”

“An investigation into complaints against the Women’s Hockey Club social has been undertaken and a decision has been reached and applied measures are effective immediately. The decision was reached by a committee of elected students.”

More to follow.

Jonny Chard