Foreverland Thrills in Leeds Debut

Friday 2nd February dawned on Leeds the same as most other weekends: dreary, grey-skied, a heavy note of inevitable hedonism hanging over the university campuses, filled with students waiting impatiently for the late evening and whatever event they were planning on attending. Church Leeds, a venue mere yards from Leeds University’s libraries and main campus, has long confirmed its status as the perfect backdrop to any party reveller’s weekend plans, and the descending of Foreverland, one of the UK’s most exciting new club nights, upon the venue added yet another massive tick to Leeds’s nightlife status as the best in the North.

Huge confetti canons, dazzling light shows, trippy projections and weird and wonderful performers lay in wait at Foreverland at Church, the venue’s cavernous high ceilings and majestic stained-glass windows bouncing off perfectly from the crazed euphoria of the club night’s décor. The spawn of various global and UK club nights that promise great music and even cooler props, such as Elrow, Cirque du Soul and Good Life, to name but a few, Foreverland never once turned into a repetitive night that could be experienced at any club anywhere around the country. Filled with Leeds’s hard-partying and fun-loving clubbers, the night never once fell flat, the bass-heavy, hard-hitting tones of General Levy and the resident DJs uniting the crowd in the weirdest, wobbliest and ‘West-est’ (direct quote from a typical Leeds unay Polo-wearing boy in the smoking area) night they’d probably experienced in a while.

I for one will be going back the next time the show comes to Leeds; hopefully again at Church, the venue that continues to blow other repetitive, warehouse-modelled Leeds venues out of their much more established and older waters.

Poppie Platt

Image credits: Foreverland