Blogging as a full time career: the great debate

It seems quite fitting as this is the Blogs section to talk about that very topic. Blogging.

As a blogger myself, albeit a small one, I have noticed one thing recently across social media: Non-bloggers are finding it hard to accept the turn in recent years to full-time blogging as a career. They are under the impression that all the role entails is posting a few snaps on Instagram in return for thousands of followers, free designer clothes and holidays to tropical islands.

Let me stop you right there. This is total nonsense, so I do not blame bloggers, full-time and part-time, for having a few frustrated posts on Twitter on the subject.  The truth of the matter is that blogging is hard work. It can take years to reach any level of success, let alone the success needed to go full-time.

Firstly, you must set up a blog. This will probably be via a free hosting site, such as WordPress or Blogger, which doesn’t have the custom designs available that full-time bloggers use. Templates and custom designs that attract an audience cost real money which has to come from your own pocket – it’s not like you will be entering into paid collaborations with brands immediately to fund this, because you will start off with barely any followers on your social media sites.

Another thing to bear in mind. To spread the word about your blog, you need to have a good few active social media sites linked where you post regularly and connect with others. Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest are a few examples of sites that all need to be on top form if you are going to gain recognition.

From then on, it can take years of blog posts, social media updates and persistent networking to build a following. You are pretty much creating your own online magazine at the end of the day. When you are doing this on top of studying or a full-time job, believe me, there’s a lot of long hours involved.

You may question why we blog then, if it does really take years to find success. People blog because they love it. They love writing and bringing a sprinkle of joy to the world, even it is just to a handful of followers.

Let me finish on this note. If all you think full-time bloggers do is sit around all day taking selfies, then you are greatly mistaken. Running a blog requires hard work and dedication, and I challenge you to start one and see how long it takes to become full-time. Then perhaps you will see that blogging is no walk in the park.

Megan Harrison

Photo credit: Pixabay