University of Liverpool Labour Students “Tongue-in-Cheek” Call for Execution of Monarch Criticised

The University of Liverpool Labour Students have been condemned for a tweet which appeared to insinuate a desire to execute Queen Elizabeth II.

Referring to the 369th anniversary of the execution of King Charles I, UoLLS tweeted ‘Happy #RegicideDay comrades! We did it once, we can do it once again.’

King Charles I reigned from 1625 until his execution in 1649 after his defeat in the Second English Civil War to Parliamentary forces.

The account has since removed the original tweet and apologised for any offence caused, claiming it to be ‘tongue-in-cheek’.

Numerous commentators on Twitter have, however, called out the ‘deeply unpleasant’ tweet as an ‘incitement to murder or high treason’, and some claim to have made formal complaints to Merseyside Police.

A spokesperson for Liverpool Guild of Students, said:

“One of our societies recently issued a tweet which attracted negative attention. While it was intended as a tongue in cheek comment, the society promptly removed the tweet and apologised for any offence caused.”

The University of Liverpool Labour Students society have been contacted for comment.

More to follow.

Jonny Chard

[Image: Daily Mirror]