Four Clubbing Resolutions for 2018

Clubbing is undeniably a major part of the student experience. But we’re creatures of habit. It’s not difficult to quickly fall into a routine: same pre-drink playlist, same venue, same experience. It’s time for a shake-up. Here are four resolutions to make 2018’s nights out better than last year’s.

Less filming, more dancing

People are tired of dancefloors becoming seas of screens, with people feeling the need to give their Snapchat friends a constant stream of updates. It gets old. When re-watched, these generally consist of 30 seconds of indecipherable sound, occasionally punctured by some bloke shouting “Oi Oiiiii” when the track drops. Keep the camerawork to a minimum, please.

Branch out

Your favourite clubs are your favourites for a reason. But, regardless of how good Wire and Hi-Fi are, there is more to Leeds than those two trusty basement havens. Head to Wharf Chambers, HPBC, or Moorside Social Club for some DIY parties and a bit of community spirit. And whilst the weekends boast the visits of the big names, midweek nights often feature international up-and-comers. It doesn’t hurt to try something new.

Arrive earlier

If the night finishes at six, then it can make sense to arrive late and maximise valuable pre-drinking time. But whilst the pre-midnight acts don’t top the billing, they can often outshine more established artists. Try to be less focused on the specific person behind the decks, and more focused on the music coming from the sound system instead.

Don’t take it too seriously

Club culture has its fair share of snobbery. Not every night has to be underground industrial techno, or a warehouse rave with five headliners. There’s no shame in going to Fruity. Don’t take every night too seriously. And definitely don’t take newspaper articles as gospel. Happy New Year.

Dan King

Image credits: Mint Warehouse