Eight Best Ways to Beat the January Blues

The turkey’s been long eaten, the presents all opened, New Years is just a blur, and we’re back at Uni. Not to mention the fact that bank accounts are looking pretty empty and the cold weather doesn’t seem to be going anywhere.

We’re all familiar with that sinking feeling after New Year’s. That ‘what next?’ feeling that we can never seem to shift. That ‘here we go again.’ And it’s not easy to be that positive ‘New Year New Me’ person. God knows I struggle but then you have to remember that last year turned out to be okay, pretty great even, with lots of change and lots of exciting things. So, what’s to say that this year can’t be just as good? One of my favourite quotes is: “365 new days, 365 new chances” and that is such a great outlook to have.

And to make all of those new chances count, I’ve got a few bits of advice to make 2018 your year…

1. Do something new!! Whether you join that society, visit that new bar or go and see that new film, do something that motivates and excites you! Being proactive and staying busy is really important to become a happier you!

2. Set some resolutions. Just one or two will do but that sense of purpose and determination followed by the feeling of success at the end are well worth it. You never know, you may even become a better you whilst doing so!

3. Try doing what you did over Christmas. What made Christmas really special for you? Seeing lots of friends and family? Christmas dinner? Try re-creating some of those things to keep your spirits up! I know that January isn’t quite Christmas day but to some extent you can stay in that positive holiday mood!

4. Create a new playlist! Or update an old one! Get a good list of music that will get you out of bed in the morning and kick start your day. One that will quicken your walk to Uni and get you feeling really positive!

5. Treat yourself! Try getting one item from your wish list per week, or even once a month if money is tight. You’ll start to feel more positive about the whole new year, new you.

6. Do something that makes you step out of your comfort zone. Do something you wouldn’t normally do, or even something that scares you because afterwards you’ll feel ten times more accomplished for it and, in the end, it may even stop being a fear  of yours or you could be on the road to doing something great.

7. Organise yourself! One of the worst feelings is being overwhelmed. Suddenly there’s a whole twelve months ahead of you and you know that there are exams and assignments and deadlines and weekends away and family to see. But just breathe. And invest in a calendar or a diary, just something that will help to keep your mind in order and also stop you from missing anything important. It may also inspire you to fill your calendar with things to do!

8. Don’t feel pressured to always have to be that positive person. It’s okay to take a minute out for the January blues but also remember that February is just around the corner!

So, January may feel terrible for now but remember to keep your head up and plan positive and exciting things and I’m sure that 2018 will be an amazing year for you! Happy New Year.


Sasha Williams

Image: myhrtoolkit.com