Presenting the LRFS 10th anniversary theme!

It’s finally here! After all that waiting and wondering, LRFS have let us in on their 10th anniversary theme:


The name suggests a certain relationship between the ‘iconic’ within fashion and the concept of time itself. We can expect to encounter time as an experience, time as a way of breaking boundaries and creating new and exciting ordeals, both within fashion and within the human exposure to existence.

The theme certainly leaves us thinking about the passing and progression of time and, with a month left until the show, time doesn’t seem to be going fast enough!

Complimenting their theme, LRFS have also publicised a series of beautiful re-creations of some of the most remembered style icons throughout history. The photos pose a modern twist on their traditional appearance, whilst managing to maintain the salient essence of the original image. On the LRFS website, each photograph features a subtle animated movement in part of the picture, perhaps pointing towards the fluidity of time that is to be explored, revisiting past moments in order to reinvent.

Style icon re-creations by LRFS Committee: Audrey Hepburn, Cleopatra, Marilyn Monroe

In previous years, we’ve been dazzled by the likes of Samsara (cycle of the earth), Wanderlust and Through the Looking Glass. The show is the most eagerly awaited event at The University of Leeds and, as it’s their 10th anniversary, we can anticipate one that will be even more extravagant and lavish than ever before, the team aiming to break all previous records by raising £18,000 for their chosen charities, Leeds Mind and Dementia UK.

LRFS have introduced us to their 5 part scenes: Birth, War, Peace, Death and Re – Paint Your Future. We’re intrigued to find out what this might mean and what each story might unfold for us. How will this shape our perception of how we view fashion throughout time or how we view fashion in relation to these particular life experiences? It’s clear that the zealous team have a focus on creating a show where the infinite nature of time and the ceaseless influence of fashion are brought together in a way in which we feel a part of it.

Well… what are you waiting for? There’s no time to lose – tickets are on sale NOW and you can get these by clicking here or by following the link on their Facebook page and downloading the DICE app.

LRFS are offering Standard, Premium and VIP tickets, each coming with an exciting selection of treats – so be sure to check them out and choose wisely! And as if it could get any better, the team are offering 25% off to all societies who buy 8 tickets! Just get your society to email its name with the 8 names of the people attending to and the tickets are yours.

We can’t wait to see you all there at what will be an undoubtedly TIME.LESS event.

For more information go to the LRFS official website:

Darla Dryland

Image: LRFS website: