Leeds Named the 16th Most Sustainable University In The Country

The University of Leeds has ranked 16th on Peoples and Planet’s University League tables. This is an independent league table based on sustainability, which ranks universities based on their environmental and ethical performance. This league table is compiled annually. 

Leeds was the second highest scoring Russell Group University. LSE came in first place.

Dr Louise Ellis, Director of Sustainability at the University said: “Being sustainable is part of who we are at Leeds; we take our responsibilities seriously and are committed to make a positive impact on society.” 

People and Planet are the UK’s largest student campaign group. Since 2007 the group has been scoring universities on a set of criteria that investigates their environmental and ethical comments and actions. The criteria in each section adds up to 100%.

The information is collected and made public by the Higher Education Statistics Agency. The rest of the information is made public by universities themselves. However, some do not share information, giving them a score of zero. 

The criteria includes carbon reduction, student and staff engagement, sustainable food, workers’ rights, ethical investment and education for sustainability.

Dr Ellis went on to say “our continued good performance in the People and Planet University League reflects our continued commitment and hard work by our staff and students and it is good to have this recognised externally. We are extremely proud in what we have achieved through integrating our teaching, research and operations through sustainability. We still have work to do, to be truly sustainable we must focus on long terms aims and commitments, something we have outlined in our vision for a 2050 sustainable university.”

Every university is evaluated by team of trained volunteers which will allocate a score to the university based on the evidence which has been made public. Each university is marked twice to maintain rigour and consistency. All universities are given the opportunity to appeal their position if they believe an error was made in their scoring. 

Sustainability at Leeds includes initiatives from the Student Conference that took place for the first time last year, to the reusable KeepCups available for sale across the union.

Aysha Zaheer