John Lewis Christmas Advert 2017

It is a sure sign that Christmas is on the way, when the adverts start appearing on the TV. The most anticipated one of all? John Lewis. With years of successful and well-received Christmas adverts under its belt, John Lewis has built up quite the reputation. So much so, that teachers have been known to interrupt lessons on the day of its release – well, they did at my school! – and conversations float around the office with the question on everyone’s lips: ‘Have you seen it yet?!’

After a false John Lewis advert circulated YouTube, following the relationship between a fox and a mouse, as well as negative reviews of other retailers’ Christmas adverts, such as Debenhams for ‘diversity reasons’, the UK was ready for some festive relief when the John Lewis advert finally came to town on the 10th November. The result? A rather unusual story about a boy and a monster named Moz.

The beginning is promising: a small boy is sleeping in his bed, reminding us of the classic 2011 advert about the boy who was more eager to give than receive his presents. However, after these precious four seconds the similarities end. The advert goes on to show how the boy can’t sleep due to Moz’s snoring. He resolves this by playing with the monster, which seems to be a disturbing mix of the Gruffalo and a Furby toy, but since he’s awake all night the boy falls asleep at the hairdressers, during a football match and even whilst writing his letter to Santa, turning one of the only Christmas-related activities in the advert into a huge disappointment. As the advert comes to a close, we wait for some sort of heart-warming conclusion which will make the last 1 minute and 30 seconds spent watching it all worthwhile. The reality? The boy receives a badly wrapped constellation nightlight on Christmas day and Moz disappears. And the caption we’re left with? ‘For gifts that brighten their world’. Confused? You’re not the only one.

It is safe to say that this is one of the most cryptic Christmas adverts to come out this year and many negative opinions have already been circulating on social media. Popular Youtube star, Zoella, with more than 11 million Instagram followers, took to her Instagram stories to give her opinion, posting an unimpressed selfie with the caption: ‘I wanted it to pull on my heartstrings, but I didn’t get it…’.

An average of £1 million is spent each year on the production of the Christmas advert and an extra £6 million spent on airtime across the holiday. It is safe to say that this hefty budget therefore prompts high expectations. The reality of this year’s advert left a lot to be desired. With the last truly successful Christmas advert, in my opinion, being the 2014 Monty the Penguin ad, many are questioning whether John Lewis has peaked too soon.


Emma Prentice

(Image: Toy News)