Activities Galore! Getting Out and About in Leeds

The  Climbing Lab

Just around the corner from Oxygen Jump, the Lab is an indoor bouldering park, containing multiple climbing walls. With no ropes used on these walls, the idea may sound a little unnerving. Yet if you’re a beginner, then you’ll have a supervisor to guide you. And even if you fall, the mats underneath are super soft. Climbing is a great way to have fun and get fit at the same time. With every Wednesday being only £5 a session for students, it can also be cheap. So, grab some climbing shoes, some chalk and get ready to climb.


What’s more fun that engaging in light-hearted recreational sports and activities? Doing it whilst drunk. At the Roxy Lanes located in the heart of the city, you can opt to play a range of activities such as table tennis and mini-golf, whilst enjoying a delicious alcoholic beverage. On top of this, Roxy Ballroom serves tasty food, giving you all the fuel and energy you need to completely annihilate your ping pong opponent. With £5 cocktails every Monday, there really is no better way to kick start the week than with some alcohol and a healthy bit of competition.

Oxygen  Freejumping

Needing to burn that Freshers 15? Look no further! Oxygen Freejumping Park offers its guests an hour of jumping around their vast trampoline park, which is not only incredibly fun, but also makes you work up that sweat without needing to hit the gym. Besides the general fitness benefits, Oxygen Freejump is a great day out for all. If the endless sea of trampolines can’t keep you occupied, then there are also a range of games and activities you can play, such as dodgeball, assault courses and reaction tests. To top it all off, there is a giant pit filled with foam balls that you can dive into.

Hyde Park Picture House

Whilst the cinema is a classic destination for anyone who simply wants to relax and be entertained, make your next cinema trip to somewhere far more unique. Located at the heart of Leeds’ most thriving student area, the Picture House shows the best films at the best prices. With a student card, entry can be as low as £5, and the cheap price paired with the convenient location make this a must for any student. The beautiful grade II listed building comes complete with original features such as a ticket booth and balcony, whisking you back 100 years, and making your cinema experience one not to be forgotten any time soon.


So, there you have it, 4 completely different ideas for ways to have fun in Leeds. Far more memorable and sociable than any binge-watching session on Netflix, I guarantee you.


Holly Bishop

Images: Leeds-list, Independent Leeds