Leeds Dad’s Halloween Horror After He Tucks Into the Biscuit From Hell

A dad from Leeds was left with a bad taste in the mouth after his daughters were given biscuits while trick or treating, only to find out the biscuits were 18 years out of date.

Adrian Johnson’s daughters, seven-year-old Poppy and five-year-old Eidy, were given the McVitie’s milk chocolate digestives while they were doing the rounds of their neighbours’ houses yesterday evening.

But when Mr Johnson decided to try one of the biscuits after his daughters went to bed, he was given a nasty shock.

“I can’t really describe the taste. Just an awful, gone-off, long-lingering bad taste. He explained. “But my first mouthful, which I did swallow, I just thought, ‘bloody hell, that’s weird’.

“Second bite I knew there was definitely something wrong with them, so I sniffed them, looked at the biscuit side, which was quite white rather than the usual brown-ish colour, and then I checked the sell-by date. 

“That second bite ended up in the sink and I had to rinse my mouth and brush my teeth.”

“It was late on when I realised what had happened, so I didn’t go back to the couple. But I might pop round tonight when I get back home – more for their sake, than to complain, as who knows what else they’re keeping in their cupboards,” said Adrian, who has reported no lasting ill-effects from his snack.

Ian White