Edu-Groan: Technical Issues Torment Campus

In an ongoing poll ran by The Gryphon, 88% of the 100 respondents thus far reported issues accessing Eduroam whilst on campus. Of these, 34 students complained that they did not suffer connectivity issues in previous years but do currently, whilst a further 24 claimed that although they have struggled accessing Eduroam in years previously, this year has proved to be worse.

Those surveyed revealed a myriad of different internet issues, suggesting the issue is complex and multifaceted. A large proportion of those sampled complained of connectivity issues in the University Union as well as the Roger Stevens Building, but perhaps most frustratingly the Brotherton, Health Sciences, and Edward Boyle libraries also arose as sites of connectivity issues. This may explain why 68% of those polled claimed that these issues have impacted upon their ability to study.

Respondents claimed that accessing the internet on campus was a ‘daily struggle’, and that it ‘doesn’t matter where you are or when, it disappears in halls, in the libraries, everywhere, with no warning, for no reason’. Whilst success has been noted by various students when they have taken their devices to IT services, this is a frustrating and time-consuming solution for an issue which is not their fault.

A University spokesperson said:

“We’re sorry that some students have experienced difficulties with connectivity. We are continually enhancing our extensive wireless infrastructure across the campus which includes adding new high bandwidth wireless points in  buildings, including the Union,  and enabling better connectivity in outside areas, especially those where people  congregate.  We always welcome feedback and the Service Desk is always willing to help”

IT services have said that many of those who are struggling with Eduroam are using Apple products, and suggested that it may be an issue related to the configuration profile which is created on IOS and Mac products. They have a walkthrough detailing how to fix this issue on their website.

This network fault is the most recent technical event on campus, following the repeated triggering of fire alarms. The most serious instance of this was a network fault on the 12th October which resulted in numerous alarms being simultaneously triggered across multiple facilities, from the Parkinson Building to E.C. Stoner, which left many students unable to access lectures for over two hours. Elsewhere, the fire alarm was triggered at two Fruity’s, meaning many students left the event early.

A University spokesperson said:

“We’d like to thank everyone for their patience during a recent network fault that resulted in several alarms being activated.  Separate to this, we have found that there can be a higher number of fire alarm activations at the start of term as people new to the university adjust to their spaces. Some of the common causes for this increased activity include the spraying of aerosols, and cooking fumes.”

Some responses to The Gryphon’s Survey include:

“Eduroam drives you to the edge of your sanity as you roam around campus wondering why it spontaneously disconnected.”

“Some areas of campus are completely unreliable. Most of the time my wifi flickers on and off which is pretty inconvenient for getting anything done.”

“Wifi often disconnects on both my phone and laptop throughout the day at my accommodation in Lupton.”

“Eduroam connectivity is never constantly reliable. Entering my fourth year now and this year is the worst it’s been.”

“I haven’t been able to log in to Eduroam on my phone or laptop since coming to University.”

The Gryphon’s Poll is still open at:

Reece Parker