Bloodless Pumpkin Carving

Carving pumpkins has been a tradition for centuries and originates from Irish folklore. However, for some it has become a challenge to design and create the perfect pumpkin. This can be a messy and complex task, so Emma Prentice explains why many people are shifting to decorating their pumpkins without carving them.

Pumpkins are almost synonymous with Halloween. In fact, the thought of buying a pumpkin at any other time of year seems strange. Despite the fun of pumpkin carving, it can be rather messy and time consuming, requiring the right tools and the muscles to carry this boulder of a vegetable from the supermarket back home. This leads to the question: is it just too much hassle?

As students, it seems hard enough to juggle studying, a good social life and getting enough sleep, and so it is easy to abandon seasonal activities such as pumpkin carving. But don’t despair! You will be glad to know that there is a solution to some of these problems! Let me introduce you to no-carve pumpkin decorating. This latest trend is sweeping the world of haloween decoration, not to mention your Instagram and Pinterest feeds. It will not only save you from the inevitable mess and splashing out on carving tools, but will also provide you with more design freedom. Those creative ideas which were just too intricate to carve are now possible! So, you’re probably wondering, what is no-carve pumpkin decorating? This trend is both easy and doable, no matter what artistic ability you possess. Simply grab a Sharpie or permanent marker and get drawing! Take your design in any direction you desire – whether you turn your pumpkin into Cinderella’s carriage or draw something as traditional as a bat, witch or ghost.

And why stop with a marker? Go as crazy as you like – why not get some sequins or spray paint and jazz up your pumpkin? Additionally, there is now such a wide variety of pumpkins available; what about buying an alternative white pumpkin or a ‘super freak’ pumpkin with unusual and aptly spooky bulges growing on its skin? And if you really want to go outside the box, carve a pineapple (although these are known not to last as long) – there are no rules this Halloween!

The one downfall you might have spotted with the no-carve option is the lack of candlelight illuminating from within. If this is something you think you would miss, consider investing in some mini fairy lights and wrap them around your pumpkin – not only will this bring your pumpkin creation to life, but you can also reuse the lights when Christmas comes to town!

So, whether you decide to go old-school and carve your pumpkin or try the up and coming trend of no-carve pumpkin decorating, don’t miss out on this long-established tradition. Make a trip to your local supermarket, pick up a pumpkin, and celebrate the season – and have a very Happy Halloween!


Emma Prentice

Image: Mom4Real