Dream Wife to play The Wardrobe, 18/10

Dream Wife exploded onto the music scene last year. The British and Icelandic trio, made up of Rakel Mjöll (lead vocals), Alice Go (guitar, vocals) and Bella Podpadec (bass, vocals), met when studying art in Brighton, originally creating Dream Wife as a “fake band” as part of an art exhibition. However, this “fake band” has now become a very real favourite act among festival and gig-goers alike, attracting swarming crowds at many of the summer’s music festivals. This Wednesday, they come to Leeds to play The Wardrobe.

They describe their music as “poolside pop with a bite”. Both their look and their sound is reminiscent of the Riot Grrrl movement of the 90s (Think Bikini Kill or Le Tigre.) Their music videos and performances are unapologetically outrageous and loud and their lyrics are strong and empowering. For example, ‘Somebody’ criticises the way that women’s bodies are treated by society, the punchy chorus exclaims “I am not my body, I am somebody!” The lyrics also allude to the habit of victim-blaming with the lyrics “what you wore and how you bore it so well, what did you expect would happen?”

Seeing Dream Wife live will leave you feeling like a badass. The combination of some intense girl power lyrics, funky guitar melodies and their incredible onstage energy creates an electric atmosphere amongst the audience. This is definitely one not to miss!

Tickets are available here.

Katie O’Kelly