Equaliser Levels Up

Equaliser is a more than just a good time. Encapsulating their beautiful ethos of inclusivity and diversity, Equaliser strives to live up to its name by making the club scene a more equal and open zone. Before their launch night at Wharf Chambers kicked off, Equaliser hosted an evening of DJ workshops exclusive to non-binary and self-identifying female DJs, where they could develop their skills without fear of prejudice or judgement. Proving there’s no shortage of girls who know their way around a turntable, it’s DIY movements like Equaliser that inspire a future for female and non-binary DJs to be visible and celebrated for their talents, regardless of social conventions.

Brudenell Groove resident and Equaliser creator Ranyue Zhang was the first of the all-female line-up, soundtracking the night with an eclectic mix of tracks, all weaved together by her effortless fluidity. Slow burning with a laid-back and care-free atmosphere that encapsulates Leeds’ grassroots culture, Equaliser was the perfect night to let loose with friends with zero fear of judgement.

As a prosecco bottle that had been chilling in a saucepan was popped open, Brilliant Corners resident Donna Leake took to the decks. Weaving through soul, afrobeat and jazz, Leake created the perfect atmosphere where an hour felt like a quick ten minutes.

Wharf Chambers is a place where anyone can feel at home, with its dingy basement vibes softened by fairy lights and a smoking area that feels like your best mate’s back garden. Yet, with the Equaliser crowd, it never felt more welcoming and safe, with truly beautiful people having a truly beautiful time.

Meg Firth