‘Music From Before The Storm’ by Daughter

Daughter’s latest release, Music from Before the Storm, is quite different to their 2016 album Not to Disappear. This is because this album was actually written as the soundtrack to the video game, ‘Life is strange: Before the storm’. This is an interesting move for the folk/indie band. Explaining the decision in a press statement lead singer, Elena Tonra said that the band was “honoured” to work on the soundtrack for a game that “centres around realistic female lead characters who are emotional, intelligent, sensitive and badass in equal measure”.

The album still features the melancholy, peaceful sound that the band have become so known and loved for, but the music is very much that of a soundtrack, rather than an independent album. The tracks follow a pattern of a simple melody, which is developed gradually into a complex soundscape. Music from Before the Storm is incredibly atmospheric, with each track seeming to convey a different feeling or landscape.

‘Burn It Down’ is probably the only track that could possibly be viewed as a song in its own right, with a recognisable tune and chorus. The other tracks are indisputably part of a larger soundtrack. My personal highlight from the album was ‘Flaws’. A very short track at only 2 minutes 53 seconds, it exemplifies the talent that Daughter clearly have for creating an atmosphere. Opening with a simple piano melody and building to a booming climax with Tonra’s hauntingly pure voice soaring overhead. It is a beautiful example of how music can create a powerful emotional landscape.

Overall the album is a stunning musical achievement for the band, different to anything they have produced before. It should be listened to as an entire album perhaps on a long train journey or before bed, but don’t expect to be singing along.

Music From Before The Storm was released September 1st 2017.

Katie O’Kelly

Photo Credit: Diymag.com