Review: Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 2 – Guarding the Galaxy just got a whole lot harder.

After the growing anticipation for the newest MCU movie, Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 has finally hit theatres and has blown people away. Director James Gunn has somehow managed to top his previous movie by upping the ante in every single way. Hey… if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

In the first 5 minutes we can see how the action set pieces have expanded, quality wise, design wise and in overall writing. It’s the way these are combined with the series signature humour and soundtrack that really makes them pop out. The promotional material for the movie showed an expanded Guardians team and they don’t feel unwelcome. Their dynamics with the team will make you laugh on multiple occasions and on some occasions cry. That’s it, there are so many more serious moments that feel right at home in this movie. Sub-plots of characters like Nebula/Gamora, Drax, Rocket and Star-Lord are so much better this time around, expanding on what the first film made so real (it gives Fast and Furious’ “Family” a run for its money).

Whilst the end of the movie might get a bit too crazy for some people, at least never slows down for too long, which works. During this fast paced 2 hours it might be difficult to find all the Easter eggs to the wider cosmic marvel universe and comics as a whole but by god there’s a lot that will drop your jaw. So stick around for those juicy after-credits scenes people.

If you didn’t like the first Guardians movie then this isn’t for you, as it uses what made the first so special and dials it up to eleven. It has so much more character and interesting uses of humour. The characters all bounce off each other (shout out to Baby Groot!). So if you loved the first one definitely watch it, but if not give it a miss.

Will Nelson 

Image courtesy of Disney

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