General Election Special Feature

We take a closer look at how policies will impact students, and why it is vital for students to vote.

Theresa May has called for a snap election for the 8th of June, but what do the main parties stand for and how will their policy proposals affect students and young people?

The manifestos haven’t been released yet, but we can still make some educated guesses about the kinds of policies which will be pitched to the voters over the next six weeks. In the last two general elections, the turnout of 18-24 year olds has languished at around 43%, compared to a national average of 60%, which includes 76% among over 65s.

Youth turnout could be higher this election, especially after it reached 64% in last year’s EU referendum, but this was still far outstripped by the 90%+ of pensioners who turned out. Many young people may have entered a polling booth for the first time last year, but it is far from certain if they will return on the 8th of June. If they do they may have a significant impact on the election results.

Ian White


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