Silver Eye by Goldfrapp

It’s been four long years since the last efforts of electronic duo Alison Goldfrapp and Will Gregory. After a swift change of direction into a world of strings and orchestra sound found on 2013’s Tales of Us, the duo has returned to synth heaven- formally known as Silver Eye -and, as ever, they have an album hard to rank amongst their discography.

Dark, sexy and ethereal, Alison’s vocals take the listener on a journey.  ‘Anymore’ is an upbeat yet misleading opening to what soon becomes a rather dark and surreal jump into the world of electronica. What begins as a distant echo from the bigger sounds of ‘Strict Machine’ and ‘Ooh La La’ is soon thrown away by the time we arrive at ‘Become the One’- mix in with sultriness and blend with the eerie and sexy vocals of mysterious diva, Alison allows you to imagine nothing less than sashaying your way through smoke and shaded lights of a dark club.

Silver Eye takes a great leap into the stars with ‘Faux Suede Drifter’. It is but one example of what Goldfrapp manage to do- they grow beyond their past and throw themselves head first into the future without sounding reminiscent. Soon enough, we are left with ‘Ocean’- the hurtling thundering claps are enhanced with Alison’s weary, almost croaky cries of ‘’wouldn’t lie’’ beaming out through the speakers; they wouldn’t look out of place from Bjork’s darker works.

Silver Eye is an extension to what Goldfrapp are. No album is the same underneath their gigantic umbrella of electronica. Each song throws the listener into an array of sounds and the distinct contrast between ‘Anymore’ and ‘Ocean’ shows just how far Silver Eye has come. It’s been a long four years, but patience certainly paid off.

4 Stars

Mark McDougall

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