Roundabout: The Enchanted Laboratory at Mint Warehouse 24/03

The guys behind the wonderfully wacky Roundabout events proved once again they know how to throw a party worth talking about. The promoters are students on their ‘Year In Enterprise’, in which the university helps fund a business venture, and this has enable them to break out onto the club scene and organise well received events such as ‘Captain Hooks’ Trip To Neverland’. Naturally, I couldn’t wait to get stuck into the disco and techno on offer at ‘The Enchanted Laboratory’.

Unfortunately, only the main room was open on the night which slightly disappointed the wanderer in me. But what a main room it was. Toxic labelled oil drums, lab piping everywhere and a quirky DJ set up made it feel like you’d broken into a mad scientist’s lair. The lighting rig was also fantastic and made it feel a bit like you were tripping all night.

The main room was unexpectedly playing techno for a large chunk of the night. I suspect DJs from both of the intended rooms were given a spin on the same decks, and although it wasn’t my taste it did create the electric atmosphere we all hoped for. I cannot pretend to have a great knowledge of techno but from an outsider’s perspective it sounded top class.

Disco started to shine through after 2am and a rendition of ‘Music Sounds Better With You’ stands firm as my favourite tune of the night. I won’t lie, I lost track of the specific DJs playing at this time but bravo to whoever was smashing out hits between 2am-3am. The crowd was clearly revitalised by the transition in genres and any tired clubbers were soon fresh faced again.

Roundabout have proved themselves as the facilitators of a good time and you should definitely check out ‘The Arabian Disco Festival’ to round off the uni year on 2nd June.

Ben Roberts

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