Blossoms @ O2 Academy, 30/03/17

Having only listened to about three Blossoms songs prior to the gig, I was really throwing myself in at the deep end. To sum up the gig in three words, it was colourful, eccentric and LOUD.

The evening started with Rory Wynne and his mad sounds. He produced funky, in-your-face and incredibly dynamic beats that were perfect for fans of mosh pits. It was the kind of roaring music that leaves your ears ringing. Following him came Cabbage; their style was similar, but slightly subtler than the bang that was Rory. These acts worked well together and created an insane atmosphere ready for Blossoms. Song after song the audiences were going crazy for these two upcoming talents, and they were definitely suited support acts for Blossoms.

Blossoms introduced themselves with a cover of Kanye West’s infamous ‘Skinhead’, establishing from the outset that this was going to be a full frontal, energetic gig. Audiences were craving their indie rock vibes as several mosh pits were formed and arms were flailing about matching the beats of their songs. The atmosphere was incredible. ‘Charlemagne’ was met with enthusiastic cheers and colourful lights lit up the room ready to match the song.

A highlight of the night included the song ‘My Favourite Room’ being dedicated to a girl who was previously dumped. This might sound odd, but lead vocalist Tom Ogden was incredibly sweet about the situation, and the crowd loved it. They even managed to incorporate Wham!’s ‘Last Christmas’ into it, which made for an interesting watch at the end of March.

Their stage presence was lively and the lads seemed so genuinely awesome and humble. This is definitely a band to watch.

Anika Vadukul

(Image: Viva Manchester)

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