Referendum fails to attract enough voters for idea to pass

A campus-wide referendum organised by LUU failed to attract enough voters for the result to pass.

The question of whether Leeds University should limit the participation of companies who breach international humanitarian law, and support those who don’t, was put to the student body in a referendum last week but only 562 voters participated.

A minimum of 1500 votes need to be cast in a referendum for the result to be validated.

Out of the 562 votes,  227 were For and 333 were Against the motion.

LUU have said, “For the result of a referendum to count, it has to attract 1,500 voters – this is so we know it’s something that a big chunk of our student body is invested in and we can realistically say that the result reflects the opinion of the student body at large.”

A debate in Pyramid cafe earlier in the week attracted around 60 attendees, and by the time voting closed on Friday evening, 562 votes had been cast.

The referendum comes just weeks after the LUU Leadership Race received its lowest turnout in years, with 6561 votes cast.
You can read the arguments For and Against the proposal here.

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