All Time Low @ O2 Academy, 15/3/17

Bringing back my nostalgic me memories of rocking out to pop punk at the age of 14, All Time Low were timeless as they played their 2017 tour at the Leeds O2 Academy. With Waterslides and Swrms as support, All Time Low overtook the stage with energy and spirit.

All Time Low kicked off the night in a subtable way with one of their newest songs, ‘Kicking and Screaming’. As the lights burst on, front man Alex Gaskarth singled for the crowd to go crazy as himself and fellow guitarist, Jack Barakat, jumped about the stage, singing to the audience at each opportunity. It was clear from the start that this would be an intimate gig.

Although the crowd was generally filled up of the younger generation, it was great for old fans like myself to hear some on the old classical. By just the second song, the lads burst into one of their all time classics, weightless, causing a sea of voices to light up the venue. A personal highlight was Alex’s amazing solo performance of ‘Therapy’, a song he wrote about his late brother. As Alex instructed the crowd to sing, the audience became a unison of voices singing back to the frontman.

As the set started to come to an end, it was obvious that everyone was worn out, but the boys didn’t give in, finishing the night with one of the best performance of ‘Dear Maria, Count Me In’ that I’ve yet to see. As the whole crowd exploded with energy for one last time, confetti burst from above as Jack jumped in the crowd, singing in the faces of all his fans. As the boys wrapped up the show, each throwing drumsticks, picks, t-shirts and water bottles into the crowd, Alex thanked the crowd one last night before dancing off the stage.

As being one of those angsty teenager who went to see All Time Low at the ages of 13 and 14, the boys are still the same: bursting with life and love for their fans.The Baltimore boys new album is set to be released this coming June, don’t miss out!

Sarah Oglesby

(Image: Riffyou)

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