cmd q: ‘Dedicated to someone both of us know’ EP

March’s release comes from the label KANN. It was founded in 2008 in Leipzig, Germany, and its three co-founders (Map.ache, Sevensol and Bender) often release their own records on the label as well as those from others. Previous releases include ‘Paradise With A Lobotomy‘ from the mysterious Traumprinz (aka Prince of Denmark), whose elusiveness constantly has the techno and house community talking.

“Dedicated To Someone Both Of Us Know” (Kann29) by cmd q is KANN’s latest release and the artist’s second on the label. The vinyl arrives on 6th March 2017, with the digital version following on 13th.

KANN consistently release beautifully unique sounds, and these four trippy and melodic techno tracks are wonderfully dark examples. ‘161161’ eases you into the release with an ambient yet up-beat track that verges on deep house, with a lovely repeating melody. ‘B0t’ is heavier, with a similar repeating melody, but this track is more one you would expect to dance in a dingy basement to. ‘Dedicated To Someone We Both Know’ features an intense drum beat, with the title track starting off heavier before fading into a more ambient sound. ‘Untitled’ rounds the release off superbly – it starts off slow and synthy, before progressing into a faster sound.

It’s hard to appreciate the wonder of the record in its entirety with a few clips, but the full-length tracks will be an even greater treat for the ears.

Hear the previews here.

Frankie Elsey

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