Primal Sound w/ The Shapeshifters at Church 24/02

If you haven’t been to an event at Church yet my only question for you is why the hell not? I was somewhat sceptical about raving in a Church. Part of it seemed exciting and the other just down right weird. But the aura of such a beautiful building counteracted with the heavy beats somehow worked. It was almost a pilgrimage for dedicated dancers as they worshipped the DJ raised up at the altar.

Decorated in jungle trees and wild (inflatable) animals the scene was set for a real party, selfies were in full swing and queues at the bar had started by just 11:30pm. I couldn’t blame the event for having such an early last entry. It made me really question whether stricter entry times ultimately make for a better night? I mean sure, everybody loves pres – drinking games, mates getting with each other and the one liability that will never make it out. But when the night is set to be such a good one, why delay the fun?

The music supplied at Primal Sound is like no other event I’ve been to in Leeds. The disco, funk and house beats kept the party alive from start to finish, ensuring the crowd kept moving their hips and bopping their heads. The energy was particularly undeniable as The Shapeshifters played their hits ‘Lola’s Theme‘ and ‘Back to Basics’ to a very eager crowd. The image of every single person grooving at a sold out event can only tell what crowd pleasers the tracks were. Lively support came from Reuben and Jed 104.

Contrasting the main room, which was full of sweaty bodies and confetti canons, was the much more relaxed second room. It gave the more chilled among the crowd a space to enjoy the night as they swayed to the softer set coming from Kontra DJs – another emerging promoter to watch out for.

With mention on Facebook of their first birthday party on arriving soon, I highly recommend Primal Sound for anyone looking for good music, vibes and people.

Grace Kyne

(Image: Connor Griffin)

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