Indie Banquet III @ Hyde Park Book Club, 26/2/17

Following in the steps of Duke Studios and Wharf Chambers, the plywood basement of Hyde Park Book Club played host to the third in the Indie Banquet series of gigs put on by Pizza for the People.

Flanked by food from the Citroen van of Pizza Fella and the Book Club kitchen, Lumer kicked off the five band bill. Tonight’s set saw the addition of a fourth member on synthesiser, alongside a combination of guitar feedback and low, aggressive vocals. This opening slot proved Lumer’s place in the pack of alternative and unique Hull scene, a scene that bands like LIFE and Vulgarians are threatening to make national.

Next up came Bournemouth based LEECHES, supporting an upcoming EP and straight off the back of support slots for Gang and Spring King. With their slacker style songs covered in heavy fuzz, they seemed to impress the away crowd. Table Scraps from Birmingham then filled the middle slot, bringing 70s inspired guitar/vocal lines, along with fuzzed up bass lines and the novel use of a Theremin-style effects box. They never quite settled on a sound, at times threatening to go heavier, and at others pushing towards abrasive pysch. Overall, a wildly mixed set.

Local boys Deadwall provided a nice change of tone in a bill otherwise dominated by louder bands. Playing to support their upcoming second album, their original brand of dreamy shoegaze and between-song charm showed them as one of Leeds’ most promising bands. Mouses, the culprits of a growing buzz in Teesside, headlined the evening, ensuring the show ended with toppled mics, a disassembled drum kit and an audience member doing a surprisingly good job on the guitar, as their classic punk energy filled the basement.

Leo Joslin

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