Leadership Race turnout decreases

This year’s elections saw fewer students voting than last year.

A total of 6561 voted in this year’s Leadership Race, a decrease from last year’s turnout of 7744. Students have been voting since Monday to elect their new Student Exec and Gryphon editor, with LUU bringing in incentivisation on the final day to try and boost votes. Students who voted were given a voucher to claim a free pint in Old Bar or Terrace, a free hot drink from Balcony or Pyramid, a free Perkier or Naked bar from Salad Box or a free Chupa Chups lolly from Essentials.

This year’s race has been remarkably free from drama, apart from a candidate running for Union Affairs officer who was accused by Leeds Labour society of reversing his views on Brexit since last year’s referendum. With voter numbers decreasing, LUU will be looking to find further ways of engaging with students across campus in upcoming elections.

Out of the 32 candidates running for the seven positions, only nine candidates were BME and only 13 were women. This led to many calls for increasing diversity and engagement with minority groups.

Results of the Leadership Race will be announced tonight, from 6pm in the Riley Smith Theatre.

Sarah Berry

(Image: LUU)

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