In Leeds music we trust: society fundraiser helps bring music to the disadvantaged

The University of Leeds’ Music Impact in the Community society (LUUMIC) is running a charity fundraiser event in collaboration with a local Leeds charity ‘Leeds Music Trust,’ which aims to bring music to underprivileged communities. The driving power of the charity is that music is a powerful, connecting force which can help those from underprivileged backgrounds.

LUUMIC is a volunteering society that runs events all year round. Projects span locations including care homes for the elderly, hospices for dementia patients, primary and secondary schools and refugee centres.

LMT originated in a small studio close to Leeds city centre used by businessmen and local children alike. The studio owners would give small bands and hopeful musicians a chance to have a space to practice their music.

The idea bloomed into a charity with the help of a successful local band, Kaiser Chiefs, who returned to their home studio to help them expand. The investment in their facilities allowed them to become bigger and eventually apply for a license as a formal charity.

With their funding, LMT have already begun to collaborate with another charity, ‘Holbeck Elderly Aid’, in order to truly bring music to everyone. With more funding, they would like to be able to further improve their facilities.

The charity has big ideas, and Mark, from LMT, said it aims to “promote the art of music, especially for disadvantaged groups, whether that be socially, financially, or any other way.” The inclusivity means the charity is open for all. Anyone with an interest in music is welcome to visit the studio and get an introduction into life as a musician.

Naturally, their work goes hand in hand with education. Mark said they often have “inquisitive” children coming in who suddenly have a space to learn about music, especially as it is often a neglected subject in schools.

The Music Impact in the Community society has found a natural partner in the Leeds Music Trust. Maria Cortes-Monroy, who is running the event, said: “We believe that music education plays a large role in developing a child’s personality and intellect and that it should be accessible to anyone regardless of background. Leeds Music Trust aims to encourage this which is why LUUMIC chose them as our charity for this fundraiser.”

The event will involve five performers, including Tree, a band involving a Leeds College of Music student; Pneuma, an 8 piece soul-fusion band; Sonic Bliss Machine, an alt-rock band from Manchester; Whoeva?, a DJ, producer and pianist who will be performing jazz; and DJ Ken, a member of Leeds collective Soul Control.

The gig will be held on 14th March at the Lending Room in the Library pub from 7pm, with an entry fee of £3.

Rabeeah Moeen

(Image: Sweetwater)

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