INHEAVEN @ Key Club, 11/2/17

Having toured with the likes of Sundara Karma and Jamie T, and recently announced to play at this years truck festival, INHEAVEN are a rock band rocketing in popularity, as more and more music lovers warm to the Londoners’ sound. The foursome smashed their 4th show of the tour at Key Club in Leeds on Saturday night, giving Leeds locals a good idea as to why INHEAVEN are the one of the hottest bands on the music scene right now.

Solo artist FREAK kicked off the night with his punk rock brashness, belting out the lyrics with his fuzzy voice. Although the crowd were initially timid, FREAK (A.K.A. Connar Ridd) soon incited a mosh pit as Key Club embraced his heavy rock rhythms and high tempo.

At this point the Key Club was bustling, all ready to get a taste of INHEAVEN. The London babes kicked off the night with their 2016 single, ‘All There Is’, a catchy song full of delicious drums, choppy riffs and the sweet sound of James Taylor’s voice. Again, the crowd seemed quite shy at first, but soon livened up to ‘Baby’s Alright’. The crowd soon began belting the lyrics whilst swaying along with the groovy quartet.

Despite playing in Leeds a number of times, frontman James politely thanked Key Club for their support, admitting this was the biggest crowd they’d played to in the city. Mosh pits erupted more and more frequently, a couple of INHEAVEN lovers even diving onstage to dance alongside the band, with the room finally exploding for the iconic single, ‘Regeneration’.

The whole night encapsulates what makes INHEAVEN so addictive: they perform with energy, sing with passion, and appreciate every single person at their gig.

Not to mention, they all look super cool…

Sarah Oglesby

[image: Niall Lea]

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