The Pace of the Passing by Toothless

Ed Nash, bassist of Bombay Bicycle Club, has stepped into a new direction while paying homage to his band’s roots in this new solo project. The album moves in waves, beginning with the ethereal track ‘Charon’,  before transforming into an energetic cluster of indie rock, triggered by the fast-paced ‘Sisyphus’.

The album carries a timbre that makes Toothless’ Bombay Bicycle Club origins clear, from the distorted bass easily recognised from I Had The Blues But I Shook Them Loose, to the drum contribution from Bombay’s Suren de Saram, bringing a strong energy to the record.

The features on the album are fitting and bring a new side to each song. Tom Fleming brings a darkness that makes an otherwise weak song, ‘The Midas Touch’, flourish. Liz Lawrence, backing singer for Bombay Bicycle Club on their latest album cycle, contributes beautifully to the highlight of the album ‘Party For Two’. The punch of this song perfectly juxtaposes the more serene moments of the album, such as ‘Terra’ and ‘The Sun’s Midlife Crisis’, with the former’s sampled breathing building an eerie yet encompassing atmosphere. ‘You Thought I Was Your Friend (I Want To Hurt You)’ is a strong track, slightly ambient yet driving in its execution.

The Pace of the Passing holds a weak lyricism that leaves something to be desired, although the direct nature of this can bring more attention to the musicality in songs such as ‘The Midas Touch’. There is an unmistakable likeness to Bombay Bicycle Club’s work, which, if anything, highlights Nash’s innovation in consistently producing seamless work.

The album isn’t particularly experimental or ground-breaking, but it stands as a strong body of music that is worth the listen for any fans of Bombay Bicycle Club.

Isobel Moloney

(Image: Clash)

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