Mind Yourself: songs to cure the new year blues

Martha discusses University of Leeds’ Wellbeing Festival, and talks us through our student wellbeing playlist. 

A new term is starting at Leeds University. This means the start of new modules, perhaps joining new societies and meeting new people. It can however mean facing new, or existing, challenges.

Last week we held Mind Yourself: The Health and Wellbeing Festival at LUU which was a whole day dedicated to improving student wellbeing and allowing our student population to take time to keep their mental health ticking over this term. The day aimed to introduce students to new services, opportunities and activities which could help positively impact their health and wellbeing. For our students that attended this could have been discovering Gentleman’s Yoga or how to utilise The Power of Thought. Or it could have been for them to socialise on the Go Out Get Active walk to the Meanwood Valley Trail. Alternatively it could have been discovering a voluntary opportunity with Hyde Park Source, or how to cook cheap and healthy meals with Honest Edibles. It was about stressing the importance of taking time for yourself to discover what works best to help you boost your health and wellbeing.

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At LUU we want to give every student the chance to find something which works for them and allows you to mind yourself. Your health and wellbeing is a priority for us and yourself. Let us help you find your feel good song, activity, service or volunteering opportunity this term and help keep your mental health ticking over.

As part of the Health and Wellbeing Festival we asked students what their ‘feel good’ song is. Focusing on a song which boosts your mood and motivation is just one of the small everyday ways you can help to increase your personal wellbeing. We made a playlist from the song suggestions we received – here is a snippet from our student ‘feel good’ playlist:

Run Away with me – Carly Rae Jepson: “It makes me feel butterflies and gives me bubblegum 80s teenage vibes.”

Ophelia – The Lumineers: “Makes me happy and makes me think positively about exams.”

Uptown Funk – Bruno Mars: “Because it reminds me of Fruity.”

Shiny happy people – REM: “It is just happiness in sound form.”

Every teardrop is a waterfall – Coldplay: “Quite melancholic but ultimately really empowering and motivating.”

Good Life – Kanye West: “It makes me feel excited for my day!”

Lovely Day – Bill Withers:  “Always a great start to the day!”


You can contact the Student Advice Centre to learn more about the services, activities and opportunities available to you on campus, and further afield in Leeds.
Also check out www.luu.org.uk/ents/ for Advice and Support events in LUU.

Martha Clowes

(Photo courtesy of http://www.wikihow.com/Do-Deep-Relaxation)

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