Scissors – LUU hosts first women-centred LGBTQ+ club night

Tonight marks the first Leeds University Union’s women-centred queer dance party, Scissors.

Emma Healey, LUU’s Equality and Diversity Officer, came up with the concept for the event which launches the start of LGBTQ+ History Month.

The event is open to all genders, but aims mainly to celebrate the women, non-binary and femmes in the LGBTQ+ community. The event reads that “It’s no secret that too often the LGBTQ+ scene focuses on white, gay, slim, and able-bodied men; we aim to offset this balance creating a space where everyone can feel free to be themselves and dance.”

They have been working with Girls That Gig to curate an all-female line up. Playing will be Karis, the founder of Whynot?, the dj and producer NikNak, and Tami Pein who will play some ‘Queer Disco, Afrobeat and World Groove’.

Tickets are £3.50 online or will be slightly more on the door. A range of programmes will take place across the month, a list of which can be found here.

Polly Hatcher

(Image: LUU)


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