Preview: Dream Wife @ Headrow House, 21/1/17

Headlining DIY Magazines ‘Hello 2017’ tour, incendiary threesome Dream Wife will blast their punk infected pop at Headrow House this Saturday (21st).

The three met at art college in Brighton, forming Dream Wife as an art project with the Spinal Tap-esque concept of a “fake girl band”. A year later and they’ve released their first EP, signed with Lucky Number and joined Black Honey, Oscar and Girli on tour. Their sound is infectiously all consuming, with Rakel Mjöll’s slinky vocals contrasting with Alice Go’s gorgeously scuzzy guitar riffs and Bella Podpadec’s satanic bass-lines.

From the venomous, grizzled guitars of ‘F.U.U’ (in which Mjöll both screeches Spice Girls’ ‘Wannabe’ and raps in Icelandic) to the fuzzy sass-pop of ‘Hey Heartbreaker’, Dream Wife have many unexpected tricks up their glittery sleeves.

Be sure to witness their glorious savagery at Headrow House on Saturday 21st January. Tickets are available through the DICE app or here:

Meg Firth


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