House for the Homeless comes to Studio 24

On 20th January the debut House for the Homeless will bring a charity night of music and art to Studio 24.

The lineup will feature an array of Hyde Park’s finest talent with a range of DJs including Flux resident Wallauer and the live neo-soul band Necktr, alongside many more.

House for the Homeless is run in collaboration with Elemental Leeds, an environmentally themed art collective which strives to showcase some of the natural artists, musicians and environmental forward-thinkers here in Leeds to inspire positive action through creative social activism.

The last Elemental event featured a setup of decks and speakers that was fuelled purely by pedal power of bikes next to the stage, alongside people wearing nothing but ivy who decorated dancers with glitter.

We had a quick word with Tami Pein, the founder of Elemental: “Us Leeds folk are doing all these things already – whether DJing in bedrooms or at parties, creating amazing, meaningful art or going on nights out. Why can’t we bring it all together and make money for a worthy cause?

“Homelessness is such a current issue in Leeds. For me, it makes sense to combine our creative talent and willingness to party to support rough sleepers in Leeds.”

All proceeds from the night will go to support the Community Kitchen Garden in Leeds which grows fruit and vegetables for those who sleep rough.

Tickets are £3 in advance from or £4 on the door.

Polly Hatcher

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