8 unexpected mashups that will blow your mind

1) ‘Beautiful Girls vs Stand By Me’ by Sean Kingston and Ben E. King

This is an absolute classic; if you have never heard this banger, where have you been living for the past forever? This song reminds me of the dirty house parties and messy mornings of my youth. Who knew that smooth soul could mix so well with a naughty noughty banger?

2) ‘Black Gold Skinhead’ by Kanye West and Black Keys

The Akron rockers play a mere backseat role to Kanye’s heavy beat and spat-out lyrics; when you’re involved with Kanye, what more do you expect? Whoever made this beauty also took some liberties with the artwork as well; they’ve snuck in a trademark El Camino to Yeezus’ classic sparse cover, imagining what it might have looked like had it been properly released.

3) ‘Let’s Lose Ourselves to Dance’ by David Bowie and Daft Punk

Where could this possibly go wrong? Beautiful Bowie singing over Daft Punk’s funky and fresh guitars: everything about this is straight out of the 80s. It’s wonderful to hear what ‘Let’s Dance’ would sound like with a more syncopated beat; the “under the moonlight” bit put with a lil bit of Daft Punk magic will show you wonders.

4) ‘Wonderwall vs R U Mine’ by Arctic Monkeys and Oasis

This is a musical meme come to life. If there had ever been anything more indie than Alex Turner, it’s Alex Turner and the Gallaghers. Surprisingly, the three egomaniacs work very well together on this mashup, with the well-known ‘Wonderwall’ guitars providing a more toned-down backing track for Turner’s croon. It feels a bit shameful to like this one but hey, stick it under the label of nostalgia and anything’s acceptable, right?


5) ‘Hot In Here (Staying Alive Remix)’ by Nelly and the Bee Gees

I don’t know if either party would be offended by this mashup or revel in it, but whatever this is, it is fabulous. It’s all of my disco dreams combined. It’s every 2000s pop video in one. It’s literally perfection. I can’t hear either song the same way ever again.


6) ‘Bonfire Under The Bridge’ by Childish Gambino and Red Hot Chilli Peppers

If you have been paying any attention at all to our Editors’ Picks, you will know that we here at The Gryphon Music like Childish Gambino. Maybe “like” is an understatement: we bloody love him and worship the ground he walks on. So this fire combo of our beloved Donald Glover, the prodigal son, and classics Red Hot Chilli Peppers is hot enough to blow your socks off. Turn this one up loud.

7) ‘Hurt’ by Johnny Cash and Smash Mouth guy

Not technically a mashup, but a meme. Recently, the internet provided us with an absolute goldmine of Shrek-filled fun. Any song becomes Smash Mouth, and Johnny Cash’s version of Nine Inch Nail’s ‘Hurt’ is no exception. There are no sacred grounds when it comes to the internet. It takes no prisoners.

8) ‘Partition My Money’ by Rihanna and Beyoncé

If Beyoncé and Rihanna ever put aside their rivalry, we all know the resulting number one would be out of this world. Pop princess gold. Whilst we wait in vain for that day to come, we can fill the void with this combo.

Jemima Skala

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