Frightened Rabbit @ Stylus, 02/12/16

Going to see a band whose music you hardly know and have a good time doesn’t just require good music, but a connection between both audience and the band. Frightened Rabbit seemed to lack the capacity to connect with anyone but the die-hard fans who may as well have stayed at home and sung along to Spotify.

The testosterone filled Scottish band of five from Selkirk threw insults into the packed out crowd when they did not warm up to the songs in the degree they demanded. Even as the crowd parted and a small pit emerged from the far corner of the stage the anger that pulsated off the lead singer, Scott Hutchison, did not diminish as technical difficulties plagued his ear piece to the extent that they at last stopped working.

Although their audience interaction was almost as shocking as the support act PAWS, who made constant snide remarks about how bad everyone in the audience was even though it was still early and the majority of the crowd were being more than complementary towards their harsh, abrupt tunes, Frightened Rabbit’s songs were good. But, obviously, a band who has released five albums are going to have at least a few good songs to fill an hour and a half set.

‘Woodpile’ was no doubt the highlight of the night. Returning onto stage for an encore egged on by half-hearted cries, the five lads managed to harness their anger in the song which desperately begged for someone to come and save them. Maybe given a night where Frightened Rabbit resisted the urge to chug Guinness and suffered no technical difficulties, they could stretch their great songs on the record to make an amazing and enticing gig.

Jenny Pudney

(Image: NME)

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