Allusondrugs @ Key Club, 2/12/16

Yorkshire based and controversially named, Allusondrugs brought their pop-grunge rock sound with them to the Key Club in Leeds, playing a short but sweet forty five-minute set to a fairly timid crowd. Opening with their song ‘Stir’, they didn’t make much of an impression. However, the atmosphere picked up a lot when they started playing songs like ‘Sunset Yellow’ and ‘Good People’, which are arguably a lot more melodic and have heavier choruses.

Making a gig much more friendly, they kept the conversation interesting with the crowd, giving humorous shout outs to World of Warcraft and other bands playing in Leeds that night. By the middle of their set, the atmosphere of the gig had completely changed; a relentless and receptive crowd started mosh pits, begging for more of their sexy grunge-rock noise. I was left with a much different impression by the time they had finished their last song ‘Handicapped’. Allusondrugs are obviously well crafted musicians and evidently have much more in store for the future.

I recommend any of you musical fanatics check them out whenever they next play in your area; they are definitely worth the watch.

Zander Butler

[image: Native Noise]

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