Students left in dark over absent Leeds Beckett President

Beckett Students’ Union President Joe Murray absent from post for over two weeks amidst suspension rumours

A number of students have signed an open letter to Nicky Goldthorpe, Chief Executive of Leeds Beckett Student’s Union, calling on the Union to provide information as to why President, Joe Murray, is absent from his post.

Murray has been absent from work since 17th November, and with the Union remaining silent on the reason behind this, students are starting to get concerned.

The open letter states “Part of the role of the Students’ Union is protecting the welfare of Leeds Beckett students.

Given the increasingly worrying and disturbing rumours surrounding his absence – including rumours he has been suspended – we the undersigned (who all attend Leeds Beckett University) feel very strongly that students deserve to know if their safety has been and is at risk.

We are particularly concerned that the Students’ Union has prioritised its own reputation over the safety and wellbeing of students.”

The letter has now been signed by over 100 students, calling for the Students’ Union to give more information about why he is currently not in his post.

The Gryphon has also been informed that a group of students are looking to organise a vote of no confidence, but are unsure whether they are able to do this with the President not in attendance.

Murray is currently taking a year out from his degree in Sport and Exercise Science to carry out his role as the President of the Students’ Union, which he was elected to earlier this year. He has previously acted as a Course Rep, Student & International Ambassador and a Faculty Representative.

On the 3rd November he was also elected to sit on the NUS Union Development Zone Committee for 2016/17, the first time in four years that a student from Leeds Beckett has held an elected position in the National Union of Students.

In response to the open letter, Leeds Beckett Students’ Union have stated: “Joe Murray is currently absent from both the Students’ Union and the University. As is our standard practice, we are unable to comment on individuals and we ask the membership to respect this confidentiality at this time.

“Please rest assured that the safety and wellbeing of our members remains our first priority.”

Polly Hatcher and Jessica Murray

(Image: Crash Records)

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