Campus Watch: Cambridge University accused of covering up anti-Semitic attacks

At the end of October in the graduate student union at Cambridge University, three Jewish students wearing kippahs were verbally and physically abused as they were leaving the private party for the sporting societies of Christ’s College.

As they were leaving, they were met with a mob that allegedly tried to beat and choke them, shouting obscenities such as “F***ing Jews, you don’t belong here” and “F*** off, Darkie”. An unnamed student told The Telegraph that they experienced “vicious anti-Semitic slurs” and stated that they even tried to choke one of his friends with his own scarf.

Following investigations into the incident, master of Christ’s College Jane Stapleton stated that the two students involved in the incident have been disciplined, although she would not identify the individuals or reveal the punishment.

It was also found that the students did not act out of anti-Semitism. Shlomo Roiter-Jesner, one of the victims of the attacks, stated that the college “has not confronted the issue at all. They have brushed it under the carpet”.

Jangira Lewis

(Image: Jewish News)

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