Campus Watch: A.I. don’t cry

A Japanese robot with artificial intelligence has recently failed the entrance exam to the prestigious University of Tokyo for the fourth year in a row.

The robot, Torobo-Kun, scored almost the same as it did last year which, according to Noriko Arai, professor at the National Institute of Informatics, has ensured that the scientists ‘were able to gauge the possibilities and limits of artificial intelligence.’  The robot still has a long way to go as its standard deviation score in the mock exam was only 57.1; a score of 80% or higher is required to be accepted by Tokyo’s liberal arts courses.

Nevertheless, Torobo-kun is showing promise since its score would mean that it would have an 80% chance of being accepted into 1,373 departments in 535 universities throughout Japan.

Anna Matthews

(Image: VentureBeat)

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