Leeds Undergraduate Wins Student Photographer of the Year 2016

Henry Nathan, who currently studies at the University of Leeds, has won the Calumet Student Photographer of the Year 2016 competition. The 20-year-old’s winning photograph (left) was of a man and a dog taken in a cave in Oregon, USA.

Henry says of the snap: “This photo was taken in June this year. I was doing a road trip up and down the west coast of the US, this exact photo was taken while staying with a friend of mine in Bend, Oregon. We woke up early and visited these caves and had to hit an exact time to make sure we hit the perfect light. The Caves only shine light through for about a month a year so we were very lucky to see the light beams. To enhance the lighting in the caves we used a smoke bomb, this helped create the perfect mood and set the photo. The dog in the photo posed perfectly with his owner creating the perfect subject.”

Henry Nathan

(Image: Henry Nathan)

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