Review – Love Muscle w/ Lakuti at Wharf Chambers

Love Muscle is an alternative LGBTQ+ clubbing experience which Leeds has been in dire need of. The self-proclaimed ‘pumping gay dance party’ held monthly at Wharf Chambers certainly lived up to its name. This time around, the event welcomed Berlin based Lakuti to spin some house music which made for an outstanding clubbing experience.

Love Muscle is still fairly young having only been established during the past year, yet a buzz has already spread throughout the Leeds LGBTQ community and beyond. The event had reached capacity within an hour of opening which clearly shows the great reputation that Love Muscle has already amassed.

While the extra amount of people could have affected the atmosphere and mood of the event, the organisers of Love Muscle handled the situation well and the night was not spoiled – in fact the energy within the room was so engaging that for the duration I was there, I truly felt that I was a part of something special.

Lakuti arrived some point after 1am, with a suitcase full of vinyls. Her exciting set, which was a combination of house and disco, further enhanced the upbeat mood and for the few hours she played she truly added to what was indeed a pumping gay dance party. With a big disco ball prominently placed above the DJ area, the intimacy between the decks and the party created a feeling of togetherness for all.

Mark McDougall


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