NUS holding demo against higher education changes this weekend

This weekend in London the NUS demo will take place and University of Leeds is taking students along.

For this event, the NUS has joined forces with the University and College Union.

Higher education is changing dramatically – NHS bursaries and maintenance grants have been scrapped, the student loan terms have changed and tuition fees are set to reach £12,000 by 2026. The demonstration is ask for free education, an end to cuts and better support for students to help face the changes to maintenance grants and NHS bursaries.

On their website, the NUS highlight the need for this event, stating that “Education is under attack like never before. FE colleges have closed, jobs have been lost and students are being forced deeper and deeper into debt by a government happy to see companies making profit off the back of student poverty. It’s time to take a stand.”

The march will also show support for international students and staff who may be faced with heightened xenophobia due to the post-Brexit climate.

If you want to get involved you can find more information here:


LUU Facebook event:

NUS Facebook event:


Polly Hatcher

(Image: UCU)

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